Bilişim Vadisi


Mentorship Support for 40 SMEs with BİGG+ from Bilişim Vadisi!

Bilişim Vadisi provides mentorship support to 40 Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for 30 months as part of the TÜBİTAK SME Mentor Interface (BİGG+) Call. This support aims to enhance the commercial maturity level, R&D, and innovation capacity of SMEs.

The mentorship support offered to SMEs benefiting from TÜBİTAK’s R&D and innovation funding helps increase their competitiveness, efficiency, capacity to commercialize products and services, as well as their growth and institutionalization levels.

Application Conditions for SMEs

SMEs wishing to benefit from mentorship support must have previously received support under TÜBİTAK TEYDEB programs, and the contract date of their most recently supported project must be January 1, 2012, or later.